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Come to Celebration this August! Why your business depends on it.

An incredible message from Travis Garza, Vice President of Sales Isagenix.  I love Travis and his whole approach to things.  It's very in line with how I approach the business.  How can we inspire our people to come to convention without flat out holding them accountable and saying, "you are coming!"  I've never wanted be that type of extrinsic motivator.  I don't like how network marketing is done in such an abrasive fashion.  At the same time, I have to ask myself, will coming to convention help these individuals grow their business?  Your darn right it will!  More so than any other singular event available.  That's all I'm going to say, now please read Travis's message.  Love ya!

"Dear Leader,

Thank you for your ongoing contribution to Isagenix. Your leadership and loyalty make Isagenix the most powerful company in the world.
As a leader, I believe you understand how important it is to have your organizations aware of the new products and innovations that are taking place at Isagenix. New product innovation is the cornerstone for long-term customer loyalty, increased BV, higher commissions and creating a growing organization.
This year’s Celebration in San Diego, California is set to be one of the most impactful in our history. By now, you’ve likely heard about our new Product B and the potential it has to help bring our company to a multi-billion dollar revenue. There is no question we are on the leading edge of science. I want to make sure that as many Associates as possible are in attendance at this year’s Celebration to hear about this and much more. I guarantee your team will not be disappointed when they attend!
The e-mail serves as a reminder so you can encourage your team to join us in San Diego, Calif. August 13-16, 2011, especially before the early-bird pricing ends June 5! I know the numbers! The more team members you have in attendance, the faster your organization will explode. I’ve now seen it too many times. Look at some of the leaders who are experiencing the fastest growth; they’ve been outstanding at making sure their teams are plugged in. Celebration 2011 will be an event your team needs to attend. I hope you can help me drive the most successful event in our history and e-mailing, calling out, and promoting this year’s Celebration.
As a reminder, the regular $299 Celebration ticket is discounted to $199 until June 5. So please make sure to communicate with your teams today so they can register. I appreciate all that you do to help us transform lives throughout the world. It is definitely a partnership.
To register for Celebration simply visit your Back Office “Events” section and select “Celebration” from the dropdown menu,  or if you have questions,
Your Partner,

Travis Garza
Vice President of Sales
Isagenix International

P.S. Don’t forget about FREE Enrollments! New personally-enrolled members who join with a qualifying pack and on Autoship between May 23 – June 26 join for FREE!!!! For more details visit  under the sales promotions tab."


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