When I started in my own small business I had very little experience in such endeavors. I was in my early 20’s and I was overflowing with ambition. I personified “ignorance on fire!” My goal was simple, to never have to work for another human being ever in my entire life. I wanted to be a Millionaire by the time I was 30 and retire by 40. Sounds good right!? I was a dreamer, you can’t knock that. I was naïve though. My lack of experience set me up for some rough lessons and a harsh reality. I just assumed that a person could open up their doors to their business and then good things would start to happen. This is why many of us businessmen believe that starting your own business might be equally as beneficial as a college education, even if you fail! We certainly do learn more from our failures than from our successes. That first year I was really active researching, creating, promoting, branding, selling products, following up with customers, you know all the things you are su...