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Shredders, Oh man! this last year kicked major ass didn’t it? 👊

Don’t you feel like you grew and that the world is this wide open playground just waiting for you to explore all of the possibilities? 

Aren’t you proud of yourself? 

You really should be, we all should be. 

Don’t ever let numbers on a scale or lack of perfection ever discourage you. 

You are a winner. 

You overcame and you show up. 

You are a hero because you took back control. 

You put your health, your life and your future in a chokehold and you always win. We do hard things, never afraid, we push back!  

Much love and respect Shred Heads. ⚔️ 

Isn’t the new logo so FIRE? 🔥!!!!  

Yes, we realize it isn’t that much different, but at the same time, for us it represents a vision fulfilled. This was the plan all along and is a benchmark accomplishment for us all. We are not reactive, we have vision. We take all of this and our investment drop dead serious. We appreciate your trust and we know so many of you have lent your credibility to ERS, we do not take that lightly. The ER Shred Gear has been a massive hit. We encourage everyone to wear that original ER Shred Gear with pride, you will soon own vintage gear that no one else can get. The new gear with the new logo will be available later this month. 

This new color combo is more bold for sure, but arrogance is not our vibration. We are humbled by the viral success of the movement. The lives transformed represent a dream come true. We are E.R.. All of ER Shredders have ownership and we value all input. That is the most meaningful thing to us, that our like kind feels proud of being affiliated. That you are here. We love you. We are one. ⚔️ 

The orginal logo will always be treasured and sacred to us. For those "in the know," you understand why and why we will always honor it. 

Moving forward, we will immediately and permanently adopt the new color scheme across all platforms and in all communications. 

We are so pumped to share a couple more updates with you and our excitement for the new year. But first just a little stroll down memory lane. 

Rewind a couple years back to 2020. That year will understandably go down for the majority of people as the year they would sooner forget. Rightly so. We have all been affected by The Virus. We are sorry for those who’ve paid the ultimate price 😔 We thank all those in the medical field for their massive efforts to aide us all. We will be ok fellow humans. We are going to recalibrate as we always do and we will fix what needs to be fixed in order for us to be stronger moving forward. 

There is hope! Don’t watch the news and don’t get jaded. Focus on what improvements you can make for you and your family. Then turn to your community and do what you can to make things better. We can all have less negative impact and we can all choose throughout our entire lives, to make positive changes, to improve, to positively impact others and to contribute to the betterment of the whole. New Year Resolutions work. You better believe it. 

We do subscribe to goal setting and personal development, we even did a goal session led by Crystal yesterday morning with our kids. The kids did drag their feet at first. 😒 By the end they were head first diving in the waters of personal growth. We are growers, we all should be, but not in the way of winning or striving, that ideology may be flawed and there may be a better way. More on that another day. 

It’s often said that hindsight is 2020. 2020 was the year of my personal health crisis that nearly cost me everything. I will never forget how far gone I was, from time to time I would shake my head like a wet dog and even bonk it with my open hand just instinctively trying to get the fog to lift from my brain. My gut health, non existent my entire adult life. My ability to repair from injury, compromised. My energy non existent as I would turn to caffeine which only made things worse. My emotional health in the dumps. I was just a mess. I was fried, done living a lie, pretending I was well. I was desperate. 

2020 was also some how, some way the same year ER Shred was born. 😳  The first 6 months were the worst of my life. Crystal kept telling me “an answer is coming Sean, hang in there.” 

The answers began to show up right around my birthday in July. It’s a little bit creepy. I still don’t know for certain. One clue led to another and another. It all happened so fast, but in reality the answers were born of years of wondering. 

They say “hindsight is 2020,” as in perfect 20/20 vision. Things have begun to become more and more clear over time. Life is interesting again, exciting and amazing.


2021 was the first full calendar year for ER and we set the theme as “Make it Fun in 2021” Boy did we ever succeed thanks in large part to stars like Mimilee Terrell and Susan Marie Look, Rocio Rabil and Stephen Rabil, Rique Rivera and Ashley Cromarty, and Bonnie Stahl. Junior Shredders like Korbyn, DJ and Rosie keep us young. I mean this tribe’s culture is just so damn fun anyways. We don’t really even have to try. It’s what you get when people are able to drop their guard and truly just be their kid selves. The kid self you were before it was beat down deep inside by people who’s opinion we shouldn’t care about anyway. 

Come see what it looks like in our tribe, fun every day at (Shameless Plug) ⚠️ warning we eat meat. Argggggg 🥩 

2022 is here and our theme is “DISCOVER YOU IN 2022”

Notice this is different than the standard saying of, “new you in 2022”. 

The reason being that the best version of yourself has always existed, you just need to uncover it. 

It’s the next natural evolution of The ER Shred protocol. Through your newfound self awareness you can do everything better can’t you, isn’t it nuts? 😳 Your senses are renewed and refined. Your ability to feel is enhanced. Same with your sense of smell, taste, and sight. Hell, the longer you’ve been going you may even start to discover senses you didn’t know you had. It’s a total F-ing mind trip. Like becoming a superhero and realizing cool superhuman things you can do. Did you know our ancestors could smell food and find it? They could smell water and seek it out. There is so much more to life than we realize. 

The Protocol is the way. 

Eliminate the interference. 

Reset to baseline. 

Shred what doesn’t serve you. 

The protocol is so unbelievably empowering and it works in other ways, not just dietary. You are so amazing and you have no idea. The noise is all around you, and you are unaware of the magic available to everyone at no cost. You may truly have a super hero in there, but you have constant interference of some type that is blocking your ability to claim what is your birthright, to feel optimal every day. 

If you are downtrodden at all

If you are low

If you are uncertain 

If you feel conflicted

If you lack direction 

If you’re unwell 

If you live in a constant carb coma 🥴 

If cravings and habits hold you hostage

Take courage

Do not give up 

Just trust and believe

Hang tight 

Fate will find you

You will find your spark

Each of us, we are more powerful than we could ever imagine. 

Each of us has the ability to be a real life superhero within our own sphere.  🦸‍♀️ 

Shredders, I promise you that you haven’t seen anything yet. The journey keeps getting better. Now we get to figure out what to do with all of this new found energy and focus. 

The Board is busy thinking, planning and actively working to take this thing to the next level. 

How have we been able to do what we have all collectively done without a pack? How!!? It’s a true Miracle! It must be FATE.

Thank you! From the depths. Thank you so much everyone. 

Any of you who thought this thing was a fad. If you thought this thing is complete? You forget what we are. You don’t know our collective resolve and loyalty, our character. We told you to watch. Now we are 24,000 strong and growing fast. Doubters do not exist in our consciousness. We cannot see or hear them. People who come and go, those who jump at every shiny thing or are blown around with every new wind gust, we do not want you. Those on the fence or cautiously/passively interested, we get it. That is your right and we appreciate that. We respectfully invite those to just watch. 👀 Watch what unfolds. We will be a household name. We will empower people to take back control of their lives and their futures. We want the simple, the average, the do-gooders, the down earth, everyday folks like us. We will continue to attract our like kind, there are so many of us out there, in fact, we are the majority. We are better than no one, and nobody is better than us. 

As far as I am concerned, ER Shred officially launches when we are armed with our pack, which will be available later this month last I heard from Corporate. Everything we have done  so far was proof of concept. We have proven the concept of the Elimination Reset Protocol and the Shredder Community in overwhelming fashion the last 15 months. We are so grateful. Thank you to all who’ve shown up. Thank you to The Board. Thank you to our beloved predecessors. Our mentors. Thank you to all of our tribe. Thank you to Erik Coover of Isagenix Corporate who famously said to me (paraphrase), “it is not Corporate’s role to find the way, that is up to the Entrepreneurs to find the way and then it’s Corporate’s role to rally around the Entrepreneurs with support and resources once they have found the way.”  

No wiser words have ever been spoken in my career. We are charged to find a way to change people’s lives for the better, to help them reclaim what was lost. We found a way. 

This month we humbly move in to phase 2 of ER Shred. ER Shred has been in pre-launch mode as far as the opportunity of “Sharing the Shred” is concerned. Do you even realize that? Once we have our pack and we are all sitting on a ground floor opportunity with something that is a dream come true. A vehicle that causes holistic and lasting change. That’s where the passion was born. That is why we quickly upgraded our 1 year commitment into a 5 year, and have invested greatly. We are people who’ve resolved to never do the hype. We do not market. We say what we mean and we mean what we say. No trickery. No sales. No sugar coating. 

You also have no idea what we have in store for the future. We have a vision and it is pretty special. Just keep watching. Lend us those eyes. 👀 

Or better yet, pick up your sword and let’s PUSH BACK with us against all that is so wrong in this world.  ⚔️  

Pick up that sword and defend the little guys who are undervalued and underprivileged. ⚔️ 

Pick up that sword and show yourself and others who the real super hero is. ⚔️ 

We will have a hell of a lot of fun too and you may find a new home and supportive family. 

I feel inside me a fire burning. It’s getting hotter and hotter like a teapot about to scream at the top of its lungs 🫖 🥵 🫁 😱 

You have waited your entire life for this time to show what you are capable of and how amazing you are. How special you are. How unique. How many lives you can impact. You have zero fear. You are glorious. 

Can you dig it for you? I’m just digging on that. Got those Feels! 

It’s time to work. ER Shredders are not afraid of work. We will outwork anybody. 

We are smart. 

We are fierce. 

This is our time. 

Bring those logs 🪵 

Let’s light the world on fire. 🔥 

Calls will resume to their normal schedule this week. 

E.R. Shred……It’s in the Meat 🥩 

-Sean, Captain Caveman

I have so many powerful friends and I don’t deserve them. I’m the luckiest guy on this 🌎  

I could never mention all the names of powerful people who’ve shown up for this movement. However I would be amiss if I did not thank, Founder Crystal Escobar, Our 4 Children, Randi Escobar, Tony Escobar, Ambassador Jesse James Jamnik, Ambassador Bob Sievewright, Head of The Board Heather Sica-Leonard, Head of Health Pro Board Holistic Nurse Susan Rothman, Board Member Adam Sisk, Board Member Colin Greenlaw "The Heart of ER Shred" Melanie Mimi Terrell and all other Hearts of ER Shred honored in her name, "The Spirit of ER Shred" Lenny Evans, Ali Sievewright,  Innovator Peter Greenlaw, Master Formulator John Anderson.  Isagenix Corporate, Lastly to my friend Mac, the Health Professional who selflessly taught me the power of Elimination and why we were born to be Fat Burners. For being part of my fate and giving me back my life 🙏🏻 ⚔️ You'll won't even be able to fathom how many lives we have positively altered. Life's mission accomplished. 

*The new gear will be available later this month, however for anyone who wants the original gear, you can still get it at

**ER Shred is not just a Dietary Protocol. It is a Licensed, Incorporated Brand with Legally Enforceable Registered Trademarks and Copyrights. We have opened up the opportunity for our like kind, those who vibe with us, to mutually benefit from this Brand, Protocol and Community. We trust that all who do will abide by our Core Values and Code of Conduct as well as the Isagenix Policies and Procedures relative to the opportunity to “Share the Shred.” Good Ethical Business Practices are a must in order for everyone to maintain an equal opportunity and level playing field for all Shredders. We reserve the right to remove anyone from our community who does not abide by the standards/rules we have in place and which are posted in our community  and on our website. To speak plainly, aka “Shredderize it” for you, we do not welcome money hungry shyster marketers who only care about making a buck and grabbing stray traffic that they don’t even deserve credit for. Picture clear? 😂 

We want lifers who care more about the collective than they do their own personal gain. That’s our niche. ⚔️ 


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