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New Year Message from The Escobars

Happy New Year Escobar Group!  

The following message was written by my father, he is a tremendous coach and knows how to bring out the best in people.  I was at his home recently for a training and learned something new.  He shared a message that had a profound impact on me as I realized it is the absolute truth.  I will try to paraphrase for now and will work to get him on video soon.   In a nutshell, he shared his opinion on why the majority of people do not succeed in Network Marketing.  He referred to it as "structure," I think the word was.  People are accustomed to structure and structured environments.  They are most likely born into a structured family.  Then they go to school, all structured, 12+ years of structure.  They take a job, or go into the military, More Structure.  At that job they are told what to do in most cases, A-Z.  You are told when to show up, when to take a break or lunch, what to do and when to leave.   Network Marketing is an unstructured environment with very low cost of entry.  Anyone can afford to get involved.  However, people often fail before they even begin because they do not know how to structure themselves or their environment for success.  They spent a lifetime programmed by "Structured Conditioning." That is, other people doing the structuring for them.  Is that the truth or what?  Ok, now lets get on with my father's Powerful New Years message, Read it Carefully.  Oh and a once you have finished reading, check out the little video clip at the bottom, it will crack you up for sure, but it will also inspire. -Sean

Message from Tony: 

"December 2013 is the time of the year to not only reflect upon what you accomplished or didn’t accomplish in 2013 but to plan what you are going to do to better yourself in 2014. It is also a time to make New Year’s resolutions.

January is the time of the year to re-ignite and re-define your passion, your dreams and your goals.

Of course, as most of you know, making new years resolutions is simple and easy; keeping them is a completely different matter.

January is a wonderful time to give yourself a fresh start - to start over again with an absolutely clean slate. It is indeed an exciting time of the year. January is the time of the year to de-program and re-program your mindset. It is the time of the year to ignite your passion and your purpose.

Many of you are disappointed about your performance during the last year. Many of you lost the drive and enthusiasm that you had when you first started your business. Many of you forgot what it was that motivated you to start your business in the first place. Many of you have become disillusioned and confused. Many of you lost focus and became distracted. Many of you fell away, quit and lost hope.

Network marketing is not an easy business and to those that told you it was going to be easy – shame on them!

Network marketing, as a business, can be complicated as it becomes more and more cluttered with all kinds of distraction and of course temptation from competition. Yes, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence but it still has to be nurtured, watered, weeded and fertilized.

Many of you have internal hard drives in your minds that have become cluttered with confusion, disorder, chaos and trepidation to the point that you now may fear and doubt your capacity to achieve success in your business. Perhaps you are even embarrassed now because you are thinking that you can’t do it. Maybe you even feel shamefaced and guilty because you let yourself and others down.

Re-programming your mindset is easy when you find a companion to work with. Just this strategy alone will help you clear all the clutter and negativity that has constipated and suffocated your thinking - your internal computer.

Now is the time to cleanse your thought process, to purge all of the unproductive, negative thoughts that have held you back all last year. Now is the time for you to re-establish worthy goals for 2014 that are doable and achievable, goals that will restore your positive attitude and your confidence. Now is the time to find and work with a companion who will support and encourage you.

Sit down with your companion and establish your goals right now and don’t fall victim to those negative influences that killed your ambition and aspirations last year, influences like procrastination, distraction, doubt and fear. This is the New Year! It is your New Year! Embrace the opportunity the New Year affords you and immerse yourself into it as if your “life of abundance” depends on it – which it does!
Don’t delay your destiny waiting for the right moment. The right moment is here and now - right now - this very second. There is no invitation for you to reinvent yourself or to get started. You don’t need permission from anyone to become the new you.

You have been chosen to do this business. People wait many years to be chosen. Yes indeed, you are chosen and it was you who chose yourself when you chose to have your own business. You were chosen because you are special in every way; you dared to become a better person. You dared to elevate yourself from mediocrity to greatness.

You absolutely know this next year is indeed your year. No matter how dark every day of last year was for you, there is one thing you can always rely upon and look forward to – the light will always return every morning to encourage, inspire and motivate you.

With every new day comes the opportunity for a new and an exciting fresh start. With every New Year comes January 1st and with it, the opportunity to begin anew with a new attitude, a fresh start and a new direction. This is a New Year, it’s your New Year and it is a Year where you will, hopefully, make more mistakes to learn and grow from. Don’t fear mistakes and don’t fear discouragement – learn from these things and grow from them.

You may disappoint yourself a few times, so what! Rise up with enthusiasm and re-engage with more determination, every time. Fear and disappointment does not have to limit you. It’s you, always you that places limits upon yourself.

Courage and persistence are virtues that will ensure you will achieve your goals of joy, happiness and a “life of abundance”.

The best time to plant a cherry tree was 15 years go. The next best time is right now, this very second. Seize this very special moment in your life and plant your cherry tree of achievement and triumph. Now is the time for you to seize this very special moment. Yes! You missed it 15 years go and you missed it for sure last year – don’t miss it again. Next Year 2014 belongs to you - you own it. Embrace January with a renewed enthusiasm and say to yourself, “I’m going to do it, I’m going to get it done!”

It is your choices that will fill and direct your efforts. It’s your enthusiasm, determination, persistence and work ethic that will surely determine where you will be at the end of next year.

Challenges are beautiful things, especially when you accept them, conquer them and learn from them. The greatest of all gifts given to you after you were born was the precious gift of choice. You and you alone can determine this day what you will do today and what you will achieve tomorrow.

Remember, network marketing is indeed a peculiar business. What you get tangibly from all your effort and hard work is insignificant and trivial when compared to what you become as a leader and a human being.

Be who you were meant to be and do your very best this next year. God sees you as an achiever. He sees greatness in you! Do you see greatness in yourself?

Will you re-establish your dream and your goals for 2014? Will you persevere and endure until you have achieved them?

Will you accept 2014 as your year to improve, progress and to excel?

From our family here in Utah, we wish each of you a happy and a prosperous New Year.

We love you all dearly."


Here's that fun Clip I promised:  


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