The next generation of Cleanse for Life® powder is here! Thanks to improvements in manufacturing and extraction techniques, you now have one power-packed Cleanse for Life powder with two new ingredients, an out-of-this-world delicious new flavor and 2- to 3-times the potency in the ingredients included in the new powder. So, what's new about Cleanse for Life Natural Rich Berry powder?
Cleanse for Life powder is convenient (no refrigeration necessary!) and the small jar equals a whole bottle of the liquid version; just add water! The new Natural Rich Berry flavor has our leaders raving and their Nutritional Cleansing and Cellular Replenishing results have been even more fantastic. "I like it - I usually like to dilute my cleanse with lots of water so the taste is not so strong - but I can tell with this new one that I won't have to!" - Teri H. "Love the fruity taste and natural color to enhance our cleanse. Dynamic taste profile changes!" - Christy W. "Just when I think we are "there" - we get the gift of another tasty opportunity to keep on cleansing!" - Connie G. "Awesome flavor! Cleanse days have never been better!" - Linda H. "Wow! A refreshing delicious taste that I'll drink every day!" - Holly D. Our Research and Development Team is hard at work on the new formulation of the LIQ Cleanse for Life and it should arrive sometime this fall. For those who are currently ordering a pak or system with Cleanse for Life in the canister, you'll automatically receive the new formulation in your next order! If you'd prefer the liquid or the previous powder, simply update your Autoship accordingly. Give the new powder a shot, right in time for the busy summer months! To learn more about Cleanse for Life powder in Natural Rich Berry, visit the Cleanse for Life Website. Plus, order your canister of Cleanse for Life powder in your Back Office "My Orders" section. Be sure to select "Natural Rich Berry" as your flavor! |
Shredders, Oh man! this last year kicked major ass didn’t it? Don’t you feel like you grew and that the world is this wide open playground just waiting for you to explore all of the possibilities? Aren’t you proud of yourself? You really should be, we all should be. Don’t ever let numbers on a scale or lack of perfection ever discourage you. You are a winner. You overcame and you show up. You are a hero because you took back control. You put your health, your life and your future in a chokehold and you always win. We do hard things, never afraid, we push back! Much love and respect Shred Heads. ⚔️ Isn’t the new logo so FIRE? 🔥 !!!! Yes, we realize it isn’t that much different, but at the same time, for us it represents a vision fulfilled. This was the plan all along and is a benchmark accomplishment for us all. We are not reactive, we have vision. We take all of this and our investment drop dead serious. We apprecia...
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