I had a wonderful experience this most recent two day cleanse, which I just completed. I was thrilled to lose nearly an inch off my waist because I was trying to focus in on that area. The last two days post deep cleanse have really made me think. I had not cleansed for a long time. I have been doing shake days and trying to really put on some mass for some time now. So it was time to cleanse, it was overdue. I just realized how powerful cleansing is for gaining control over our eating habits. The last two days I have gained a significant amount of control over when, and what I eat. Boy is this empowering! Let me be authentic with you all so that I can hopefully connect with some of you. I have had cravings for things such as Popcorn, Chips and Salsa, Pasta, Soda Pop (I have only been totally off since I began my IsaBody, it took me 3 weeks to stop craving it, yes I knew it was bad for me, have always been disgusted with myse...