(Recording of our last team call on Skype Home Parties: http://db.tt/P1LJgtT1) Body Alive Spring Cleansing Group It is that time of year everyone, time for our "Body Alive Spring Cleansing!" What a play on words. :) Let's set a date for 2 weeks from now for all of us to invite all of our friends and family's to Clean our Bodies out! ;) People are so motivated this time of year. I admonish each of you to invite everyone you know to join us, lets make this a huge success and have results showered down upo n our wonderful group Body Alive Cleanse Support. Place invites on your facebook walls in addition to personally inviting friends. Shooting for April 14th, that gives us time to invite everyone and get their product to them before we stat. Sound Good? Please no need to create a New Group to facilitate this. Lets leverage all of the support and wisdom that we've already been able to compile there on our existing group. Here is an example of an invitation: ...

The ER Shred is a Nutritional Dietary Lifestyle Empowerment Protocol. By fully satiating the body’s needs we are able to take back control of the diet which is the common denominator of overall well-being. Food can either be your poison/pain, or it can serve as your fuel/fortitude. Come Alive and learn to “feel” your way to good health for the first time. Only YOU can do it! ER Shred provides the tracks to run on for ultimate self discovery.