Tonights Athlete/Trainer Call with Tony Escobar Please note that we must press "#" following the pin. Do NOT press "*" as that will put you on the moderator line and create some real problems. Here is the correct call-in information. Team Call : Thursday 29, 2011 Time is 1:00 P.M. MST our time here in Utah, that is 3 P.M. EST Call in number 605-475-4850 Access Code: 488678# If you missed last night's call where I expanded on the amazing Rank Advancement Bonuses here is the recording! We HAVE GOT to go after these bonuses and teach our people to do the same, There is an $8,000.00 carrot hanging out there in front of you! Playback #: 760 569 0119 PIN 412964# (after it says reference number press # again)
The ER Shred is a Nutritional Dietary Lifestyle Empowerment Protocol. By fully satiating the body’s needs we are able to take back control of the diet which is the common denominator of overall well-being. Food can either be your poison/pain, or it can serve as your fuel/fortitude. Come Alive and learn to “feel” your way to good health for the first time. Only YOU can do it! ER Shred provides the tracks to run on for ultimate self discovery.