Happy Halloween IsaFamily! Remember that the Holidays are a great time to remind people about the Power of Cleansing. Don't Gain, Maintain through the Holidays! There is no need to wait until New Years, what is the significance of "New Years Resolutions." Why not start making healthy lifestyle decisions today? Lets teach others to do the same! When it comes to health there should never be an "I'll start tomorrow." Yesterday is gone, Tomorrow is too far away, the only Moment you will ever know is Right NOW, so Seize the moment! Love ya Sean Please enjoy these videos, these kinds of occurrences are the norm at our household these days. We are so blessed! Lily Sings "Witches Brew" Oliver feeds his dad Frozen Yogurt
The ER Shred is a Nutritional Dietary Lifestyle Empowerment Protocol. By fully satiating the body’s needs we are able to take back control of the diet which is the common denominator of overall well-being. Food can either be your poison/pain, or it can serve as your fuel/fortitude. Come Alive and learn to “feel” your way to good health for the first time. Only YOU can do it! ER Shred provides the tracks to run on for ultimate self discovery.