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A Message from Tony and Randi Escobar

We all know that the economy is having an effect on each and everyone of us. Many people of you are losing your homes, your jobs and your retirement. But despite all the challenges, never forget who you really are!
No matter how frustrated, troubled or dispirited you all may feel at this time, deep down within each and every one of you lies greatness, fortitude and unbelievable potential and power.  I came to America in search of my dream of joy, health and wealth in 1968. I arrived in Fort Lauderdale with one small suitcase, a rope for my belt, a fractured foot, cardboard in my shoes and only $50 to my name. 
Since that time I married a wonderful wife that gave me four wonderful children and eleven wonderful grandchildren. I have achieved my dream and it is a beautiful thing! I have always wanted health, wealth and happiness and now I can say have it! 
I cannot go any further with this message to you all without expressing my greatest reward of all. Through the years, doing thousands of meetings and teaching hundreds of thousands of people, I have got to know many truly extraordinary people that have taught me and my wife so much. 
For many of you, times are tough. Perhaps now, you can come to know and appreciate more fully your capacity for innovation, creativity, perseverance and the brightness of your human spirit. Perhaps know you can this moment of unparalleled opportunity and seize it. Perhaps now you can dig deep and with all the determination you can muster take advantage of this wonderful day. It is indeed the first day of the rest of your life.
First I want to personally thank each and every one of you for your contribution to the growth of your respective companies and in particular your own teams.

The real tragedy of life is not this terrible economy; it’s the fact that you don’t really know how many talents you have buried inside you. Most of you are completely oblivious to the power and strength that is within you. As you discover and use these talents you will develop the strength, determination and enthusiasm to go forward with gusto and faith.

Whether you can see it or not, this moment in time is a very important point in your life that was meant to be and it is a good time for you to stop and ponder what I just said here.

“Talents become your strengths – Your strengths will get you to where you want to go in life.” 

A happy and rewarding life is a life where you embracing the many opportunities that come your way each and every day, not every year, not every week or month but every single day.

As you read this message please remember you are the sum total of the choices and experiences you have made in your life.  Now is the time for you to choose and experience success!

Good health or bad health is a choice. it’s your choice. Financial freedom or financial despair is a choice. It’s your choice. Joy and happiness is a choice. It’s you choice. Discovering and using your talents is a choice. It’s your choice. Your success or failure in network marketing is a choice. It’s your choice. Working hard is a choice. It’s your choice.

After reading this message you must make a choice. Remember this! Whatever choice you make, you will realize the benefit or the consequence of that choice. Every choice you make, will afford you a wonderful benefit or a “not so good” consequence. So choose wisely.

Perhaps one of the greatest tragedies experienced by most people is when people can’t recognize an opportunity when it comes their way and when they do, something distracts them and the opportunity is gone forever. Another one is when people quit never realizing just how close they are to succeeding. Another one is when people achieve success they sit back complacently only to see that success dwindle to nothing

The key, if there is a key to your success, is to accept the fact that you have 1,000 talents, yet you only use 10 of them. Once you understand, relate and accept this, you will be well on your way to discovering the other 990 of them.

When I finally realized that I too was only using 10 of my “God Given” talents, it became a very special moment for me, because that was the time I started to evolve as human being and a professional network marketer. That was the time I really understood what my purpose was here on this earth.

God placed me on this earth to try to perfect myself, to be the best that I could be at anything I did. I was placed here to serve my fellow man, to serve others. Once I accepted this many more talents were manifested to me and my purpose was magnified. All these new talents have become my strengths and the more I serve others, the more I am nourished and strengthened.

Back in 2002, my wife and I were three weeks away from losing our home. I felt sorry for myself because I couldn’t get ahead. I was discouraged and I was losing hope. What was really interesting was the fact that my wife Randi never lost hope. She was always encouraging me. She seized an opportunity and through her faith and inspiration she attracted a marvelous opportunity to us. It was network marketing. Through her faith and the impact she had on me, we developed a huge, network marketing business, a business unparalleled anywhere in the industry and now we can now retire fifteen times over and give a lot of money away.

You will never know what your other 990 talents are unless you have faith and belief in your abilities and your future. You must challenge yourself and work even harder and you must have an open mind for opportunity. You must step out of your comfort zone, step into your destiny and step up and aspire higher! Ask yourself these questions?

Do I want to discover the other 990 talents that I never knew I had?
Do I want to help others get ahead and become successful?
Do I want monumental success in my life?
Do I want to live a life of abundance?

If your answer is yes then ask yourself one more question,

“Am I going to do what it takes to get to the Isagenix Celebration this year?

Whatever your answer, please don’t say,  “I can’t afford to go!”

Randi and I have built a massive business of over 1,000,000 members and an income of over $15,000,000. This would have never happened, if we did not attend the Isagenix celebration in 2002.

Sean and Crystal have built a huge business and have earned an income approaching $5,000,000. This would have never happened if they had not attended the Isagenix celebration.

The celebration will kick start your business and the sky will no longer be the limit for you. It is an experience.

You will meet all the top income earners and rub shoulders with the best of the best and you will learn so much and you will have so much fun. Celebration is one massive party.

If you want to discover yourself and your full potential, you can’t afford not to go to celebration!

Love you all

Tony and Randi


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